The importance of a blog is that it provides many benefits to the owner of the blog, especially in the areas of branding, SEO, displaying their knowledge, and a means of connecting with their target market.  A blog is an important tool for many businesses, however it is especially useful for those in the coaching business.

For those in the life success coaching business, blogging is one tool that can really let you connect with your target market.  You can use your blog to discuss different life coaching topics and share with your readers how you would either coach someone through different life situations, or how you yourself would handle different life situations.  The later one is the more powerful as you are showing your reader that you are practicing what you preach.

So how does a life coach start a blog?  Here are the steps for both not having a website, and having one.

1)  Not having a website.

If you don’t have a website and don’t desire to get one, you can still start a blog for your business, and get leads for your business as well.

Here are the steps:

  • Decide on one of the online social blogging sites that allow you to register a blog.  There are free and paid sites.  For your purposes, a free blogging service will be more than adequate.  Some of the free blogging services out there are:
  • Once you have decided, choose name for your blog that is keyword focused (I.E. Denver Success Coach).  Begin blogging about different training topics related to Life Success Coaching.  Blog regularly (in the beginning, at least once a week), and you will begin to build up a following.  Encourage your readers to ask questions to provide a dialog on your blog and make your blog more active.

2)  If you have your own website:

  • install blogging software on your website.  There is free software available.  The platform I would recommend is WordPress which can be found at The reason I would recommend this platform is because of all of the functions you can add to it and it is also relatively easy to install and configure.  It also well supported.
  • Do the same things you would do in step 1.  Blog regularly, invite your readers to participate in your blog

Once you have a blog created, send out a press release and let your target market know about your blog – but only do this after you have several postings on your blog.

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