There are over 11 different ways in which a website owner can generate revenue from their web presence.  On this show, we discussed some of these ways, and in which situations implementing some revenue streams would make sense over implementing other revenue streams.  The importance of being able to take your website and generate revenue from it is huge because you would be creating an asset that will live on and on to create additional revenue streams for your business in slow times.  Using the multiple streams of income concept whenever possible, especially residual streams of income, all increases your chances of success.

In this episode, we answer the following questions:

Question 1:    Why would someone want to generate revenue through their web presence
Question 2:    What are the 2 kinds of revenue someone can generate revenue from
Question 3:    Which one should entrepreneurs focus on?
Question 4:    How can a squeeze page help you generate revenue?
Question 5:    Can you generate revenue if you don’t have a blog?
Question 6:    Can you generate revenue if you don’t have a website?
Question 7:    Can you use more than one site to generate revenue?

Listen in for these answers.

Also, go to our workshops to see webinars for January.