There are many ways to make money from your website, especially by generating a residual income from it. One of the ways to generate a residual income is through offering advertising opportunities on your website. When most people think of doing advertising on their website, they think of things like banner ads and sponsored links. Advertising is basically renting space on your site and getting paid a specified amount for it upfront.
There are may ways to sell advertising. You can sell space for a one time fee, or rent space for a specific period of time. Usually the more traffic a website has, the smaller the rental time increments you can offer. I have seen websites sell sponsored links/banners on their websites for as small as 1 week increments, however these were websites that had a lot of inbound traffic every month.
What makes your website valuable to advertisers
Some websites will be more valuable than other sites depending upon certain characteristics. The more valuable the website traffic is to these advertisers, the more you can charge for the adspace on your website. The following are the factors to consider:
- Traffic – The more traffic you have on your website, the more visitors will see the ad and the more you can charge for ads on your site. Adspace usually isn’t valuable to advertisers until you have at least 3000-4000 unique visitors a month. The higher the quality of traffic, the lower the number of visitors you need.
- Traffic quality – this is the type and motivation of visitors who come to your site. If most of the traffic to your website is from traffic exchanges (becoming defunct as a valuable source of traffic if it isn’t already), […]