Writing and publishing articles are still very effective at getting exposure and targeted traffic to your website.  Not only is it an effective strategy, but it also a very cost effective way to drive traffic to your website.  When people read your articles, they learn more about you as well as learn more about what you do and how you do it.  Article marketing serves many purposes at once, however it is only as effective as your articles.  What does that mean?  Even if your articles are everywhere on the Internet, and you get some benefit with the links that go back to your site,  you won’t get any benefit with people going to your site who are not interested in reading your article, so the key is to also create an article that draws the readers interest.

The main purpose of the title is to draw people into reading your article.  What draws people into reading your article are titles that are catchy, stand out, and indicate what the reader will get out of reading the article.  Take this article for instance.  The title tells you exactly what you will get by reading this article.  If that is of interest to anyone (and if you are reading this sentence, it is of interest to you as well), then they will read this article.   A powerful and catchy title will, right off the bat, answer some very specific questions for the reader.  These answers will create a headline that “hooks” the reader into reading your article.

The first question you must answer in your title is “What is the main benefit the person will receive when they read your article?”  This alone is worth reading the […]