website design

Fixing the Dreamweaver Unidentified Error When using the Data Objects

So If you have used Dreamweaver to do rapid development of a website, you will quickly learn of it’s limitations.  In areas it can shorten development time, and in other areas, it still requires good old fashioned programming knowledge to get the job done.

Well, in this last project I am doing, I require a database interaction (which means handling data entry forms as well as listing and updating as well.  This is one of the functions that Dreamweaver can save time on… a lot of time because it creates the tables and database update code for you.  Sure, there will be some minor modification that comes up, but it is much less by far than creating everything from scratch.

So what is required to use this functionality and where is it on Dreamweaver, and how do you avoid the “Unidentified error occurs when testing a PHP / MySQL connection”?

Before you even get started, you do need to have your database schema in place (all of your tables and even some of your data if needed).  You will need the usually database username, password, and localhost info available as well before you get started.

These are the steps I took to finally get this working and finally get rid of that Unidentified Error when trying to get the data objects working.

  1. Create database and tables on your host server
  2. Create a new site (or update one that is already there) within Dreamweaver
  3. Upload the server scripts into the directory “_mmServerScripts/”(or whatever you call your test server scripts directory)  at the same level as your /www directory on your server.  You won’t see this directory within Dreamweaver and will only be able to see it with another FTP Program.  You can […]

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Common Website Mistakes – Internet Business Strategies Radio Show

This Wednesday’s show was about common website mistakes that man webmasters make.  We had some good conversation and some questions from the audience about some of these common mistakes.  So what are some of these common mistakes?

  • Not making it clear to the visitor just what your product or service can solve for them instantly.  You only have a short period of time to capture their attention.  If you don’t make it clear within under 10 seconds just what you product or service can do for your client, then you are leaving money on the table…..  A Lot of money
  • Not giving them a clear call to action.  Don’t make your visitors guess what they should be doing next!  Tell them very plainly and obviously.  Explain it to them like they were 6 years old (of course without being condescending). You don’t want to make your visitors work to buy your product or service.
  • Difficult navigation.  There should be no more than 2 steps to get to anywhere from anywhere on your website.  Your navigation buttons should be clear and concise as well as very easy to find
  • Not realizing your visitors will come to your website from other than the 1st page.  You have to design your site with that in mind.  What if someone comes in on your about us page, or your contact us page, or some other non-product specific page?  How do you handle that?  How do you guide your visitor to where you really want them to be so they can take action?
  • Not surveying your visitors.  Your visitors will tell you what they want and 9 times out of 10, you will be surprised that you haven’t thought of it before.  The best […]