Internet Business Development


Permalink 04:54:06 pm, by psiphon, 137 words, 4325 views   English (US)
Categories: News

New Radio Show for Online Business Development

I am going to have a new radio show for online business development.

I will be discussing the various aspects to having an online presence and what you can do with that presence. This includes all kinds of fun topics that include.....

  • How to automate payments on your website
  • How to automate keeping up with your clients/customers
  • How to use your website to get valuable market research
  • How to generate revenue on your website
  • Different methods to send traffic to your website
  • Partnering up with others on the Internet to maximize your exposure
  • What kinds of products/services you can promote from your website
  • Resources website owners must have if the want to have a successful website
  • Many, Many other exciting topics

Join me now on the real coaching radio network for show dates and times.


Permalink 10:33:13 pm, by psiphon, 531 words, 9511 views   English (US)
Categories: News

What Should I Spend My Internet Marketing Dollars on First?!

Businesses today can’t do without the Internet, yet in its vast terrain, small to mid-sized companies can easily get lost among their options.

Denver, Colorado, (2007) – Every business needs an effective Internet presence these days. More and more, people turn first to the Internet to research and purchase products and services. In this vast landscape of options, smaller companies can easily be overwhelmed trying to figure out the best tools on which to spend their Internet marketing dollars.

Business owners are asking, “how can I get more traffic to my website”, “How do I know if I should be marketing my site on the Internet?”, “Where should I be marketing my web site on the Internet?”, “How do I communicate more efficiently to my customers?”, “How can I sell products and services from my web site?” , “How do I find my target customers?”, and many other questions relating to getting their web site to be more than just an online brochure. Most businesses are missing out on opportunities to really target their web presence and establish themselves as experts in their field. They also fail to realize that they can easily automate the processes of selling their products and services, keeping in touch with their clients and prospects, and a host of other functions that are essential to having a successful web presence. “They know they need something, and soon, but they don’t know the first steps to take, or where they should be spending their time and money. Even more important is that most business owners don’t know the jargon, what the cost might be to implement the various options, or where to go to get quality help.”

Psiphon Consulting Inc., an Internet business development firm, is offering a new, product for small to mid-sized companies. “Many smaller businesses are overwhelmed with all the choices when it comes to advertising on the Internet. They don’t know what to do first, where to do it, or how to do it. They need a cost effective solution that gives them an easy-to-follow roadmap of options,” said B. Hopkins, President of this Denver Metro firm.

Psiphon’s approach is to conduct a focused interview that allows the client to zero in on what they hope to accomplish with their Internet presence. In this two-hour process they can also get all their questions answered about Internet technologies. “Instead of spending weeks doing research on their own to understand the latest and greatest Internet marketing tool, we can deliver a customized report based on two hours of concentrated questions. We know what to ask, we know what’s available and what would work best in a particular business segment.”

For an affordable investment, business owners receive a detailed, step-by-step list of what to do, what resources they need, and where to find them. Armed with this information, they can implement the recommendations on their own, do a portion, or have someone else do it all. “With this report, the business owner can tell a web designer exactly what they want done. They can feel more in control and confident about their choices.” said Hopkins.

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Permalink 10:05:17 am, by psiphon, 209 words, 5048 views   English (US)
Categories: News

Google's Purchase of YouTube

Well Google has gone on and done it again... It's purchase of YouTube for 1.2 Billion. Why did it pay so much? Many people think Google has paid too much for the website, while others have said that Google has purchased YouTube for all of their web traffic, but it still might be speculative. I think that they knew exactly what kind of traffic they were purchasing and exactly what that traffic did.

You see, a little over a year ago, Google began offering webmasters a 'free' tool that would give webmasters the ability to track their traffic and visitors. Well the flip side of it is that Google would also have this same information. Google knows where the visitors come from, where they go in the website, and how long they stay on each page, along with a lot of other statistics. I think Google know far more about what it was purchasing that most people gave them credit for. Don't think that any of the tools Google provides for free aren't used in some way to mine information. In today's internet economy, the one with the information wins.

It will be interesting to see what other purchases Google will make in the following months....

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Permalink 03:14:59 pm, by psiphon, 114 words, 6423 views   English (US)
Categories: Announcements

Are you an expert?

Psiphon Consulting is pleased to announce it's partnership with the website

This website allows professionals show their expertise to online visitors in their area of specialty. It promotes them as they build up their reputation in the online arena and will allow them to form online relationships with their online following.

The only catch is that there can only be one expert in field, much the way a leads group is run..... So those that are slow to get into the site and post their bios and blog entries, will lose out...

We are very excited about this endeavor and look forward to seeing where this goes.

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Permalink 06:37:05 pm, by psiphon, 183 words, 4290 views   English (US)
Categories: Content

It is Amazing How Free Publicity Can Work... And the Power of Articles

I have been singing the virtues of writing your own articles for the past year now and I must say that it really is interesting to see how things play out in this arena.

I was looking at my stat logs the other day for a site that I run, and I
just happened to follow some links to determine where the traffic originated from. Lo and behold I found someone had included my article in an ebook they
had created. Not only were they giving away the ebook, but they had given master giveaway rights to all those who would get the book.

In a nutshell, not only were they promoting my website, but they were encouraging, their visitors to promote my website as well.

The power of your own articles, you just have to love it! This is a great illustration of why writing your own articles instead of using re-hashed private label articles is much better. Original content will always stand out. It will make you stand out and your business stand out as well.

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Permalink 08:01:33 pm, by psiphon, 47 words, 3741 views   English (US)
Categories: Announcements

A new website design is in the works

Prepare for an update in our website design. We are changing the look and feel of our site, adding some services, removing others and we are also going to be reviewing products and services that will help you with your internet experience.

Stay tuned for these updates!


Permalink 12:59:03 pm, by psiphon, 324 words, 2929 views   English (US)
Categories: Content

What is with all these Private Label Products?

With the recent realization that content is the way to go as far as the search engines are concerned, you see many business popping up selling "private label" content in the form of articles, and other types of website content. This will end up catering to those that take little time to truly make it private label. What will end up happening is that most users will end up slapping a new title on the article, if they bother to do that at all, and placing it on their website, or just submitting it in masse to the various article submission directories.

This will work for a short while, untill the search engines change their algorithms and article directories put in better filtering capabilities to weed out very similiar articles, and eventually delete them.

My question is this.... If you are going to go through all the trouble to get your content out, wouldn't it make more sense to provide original content? Wouldn't it be better in the long run? You will probably receive short term gains, but wouldn't you rather have long term success? You are putting the work in anyway, why not give yourself an edge? The benefits will be ten-fold down the road.

Look at it this way; Placing original content begins to give you a personality, and a better image out on the net. People listen to people with a personality moreso than a clone. Your visitors will find value in what you are offering at your site, and will tend to return more often.

Web sites will be more willing to link to you, and lastly, you won't have to worry about getting knocked out of the search engines with their next update.... Personally, I don't subscribe to the theory of doing everything online based upon if the search engines will like it or not.

Worry about if your visitors like your website. It's what matters the most anyway.....


Permalink 12:55:40 am, by psiphon, 109 words, 4432 views   English (US)
Categories: Announcements

Welcome to the start of Internet Business blog

Well, it has been too long to have created this blog. I have done many for other people and have never done one for myself. Well this is the time for me to do that now. Before I figured that I didn't have anything to say, but I guess I do now.

I will be discussing Internet topics that relate to businesses. I will be covering a number of areas from marketing to programming. Feel free to leave comments on anything that may be discussed here. I welcome your feedback, provided that it is feedback and not flaming. I can get enough of that in front of my grill.




Internet Business Development

Welcome to my blog. I will talk about all things related to business on the Internet. This includes but is not limited to, Marketing, Customer Service, Automation, Integration with traditional methods, Programming, and other areas related to the internet.



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What is your biggest question about how to make your website successful?


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Web Programming

Internet Business Integration

Web Site Promotion

Web Setup and Hosting

E Marketing

Content Management