Your web hosting
needs will depend upon what kind
of website you have
Depending upon how you plan on
using your web site, your web hosting
needs will vary. Make sure you
are not wasting your money buying
solutions that you don't need.
You may be able to buy a lower
priced hosting solution and upgrade
to a more powerful web hosting
solution at a later date with only
a few minutes of work.
How do I know what
kind of web hosting I will need?
Consulting with experienced professionals
will help you to determine what
your needs are. Many times, the
client will have an idea, but they
will not know exactly what kind
of resources they will need for
their web site, and that is where
expertise can help. There are many
ways to provide the same solution
and some of these ways are more
expensive than others. Some of
the features that affect the type
of web hosting you will need include:
- Database use
- Amount of traffic your website
will get
- E-Commerce
- Dynamic input driven web sites