Internet Business Development - Are you an expert?


Permalink 03:14:59 pm, by psiphon, 114 words, 6422 views   English (US)
Categories: Announcements

Are you an expert?

Psiphon Consulting is pleased to announce it's partnership with the website

This website allows professionals show their expertise to online visitors in their area of specialty. It promotes them as they build up their reputation in the online arena and will allow them to form online relationships with their online following.

The only catch is that there can only be one expert in field, much the way a leads group is run..... So those that are slow to get into the site and post their bios and blog entries, will lose out...

We are very excited about this endeavor and look forward to seeing where this goes.

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Internet Business Development

Welcome to my blog. I will talk about all things related to business on the Internet. This includes but is not limited to, Marketing, Customer Service, Automation, Integration with traditional methods, Programming, and other areas related to the internet.



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