Internet Business Development - Google's Purchase of YouTube


Permalink 10:05:17 am, by psiphon, 209 words, 5047 views   English (US)
Categories: News

Google's Purchase of YouTube

Well Google has gone on and done it again... It's purchase of YouTube for 1.2 Billion. Why did it pay so much? Many people think Google has paid too much for the website, while others have said that Google has purchased YouTube for all of their web traffic, but it still might be speculative. I think that they knew exactly what kind of traffic they were purchasing and exactly what that traffic did.

You see, a little over a year ago, Google began offering webmasters a 'free' tool that would give webmasters the ability to track their traffic and visitors. Well the flip side of it is that Google would also have this same information. Google knows where the visitors come from, where they go in the website, and how long they stay on each page, along with a lot of other statistics. I think Google know far more about what it was purchasing that most people gave them credit for. Don't think that any of the tools Google provides for free aren't used in some way to mine information. In today's internet economy, the one with the information wins.

It will be interesting to see what other purchases Google will make in the following months....

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