All Internet - Archives for: July 2007, 16


Permalink 10:33:13 pm, by psiphon, 531 words, 9511 views   English (US)
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What Should I Spend My Internet Marketing Dollars on First?!

Businesses today can’t do without the Internet, yet in its vast terrain, small to mid-sized companies can easily get lost among their options.

Denver, Colorado, (2007) – Every business needs an effective Internet presence these days. More and more, people turn first to the Internet to research and purchase products and services. In this vast landscape of options, smaller companies can easily be overwhelmed trying to figure out the best tools on which to spend their Internet marketing dollars.

Business owners are asking, “how can I get more traffic to my website”, “How do I know if I should be marketing my site on the Internet?”, “Where should I be marketing my web site on the Internet?”, “How do I communicate more efficiently to my customers?”, “How can I sell products and services from my web site?” , “How do I find my target customers?”, and many other questions relating to getting their web site to be more than just an online brochure. Most businesses are missing out on opportunities to really target their web presence and establish themselves as experts in their field. They also fail to realize that they can easily automate the processes of selling their products and services, keeping in touch with their clients and prospects, and a host of other functions that are essential to having a successful web presence. “They know they need something, and soon, but they don’t know the first steps to take, or where they should be spending their time and money. Even more important is that most business owners don’t know the jargon, what the cost might be to implement the various options, or where to go to get quality help.”

Psiphon Consulting Inc., an Internet business development firm, is offering a new, product for small to mid-sized companies. “Many smaller businesses are overwhelmed with all the choices when it comes to advertising on the Internet. They don’t know what to do first, where to do it, or how to do it. They need a cost effective solution that gives them an easy-to-follow roadmap of options,” said B. Hopkins, President of this Denver Metro firm.

Psiphon’s approach is to conduct a focused interview that allows the client to zero in on what they hope to accomplish with their Internet presence. In this two-hour process they can also get all their questions answered about Internet technologies. “Instead of spending weeks doing research on their own to understand the latest and greatest Internet marketing tool, we can deliver a customized report based on two hours of concentrated questions. We know what to ask, we know what’s available and what would work best in a particular business segment.”

For an affordable investment, business owners receive a detailed, step-by-step list of what to do, what resources they need, and where to find them. Armed with this information, they can implement the recommendations on their own, do a portion, or have someone else do it all. “With this report, the business owner can tell a web designer exactly what they want done. They can feel more in control and confident about their choices.” said Hopkins.

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