Featured Articles - CMS-Content Management Systems Transforming Websites


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Categories: Web Design Articles

CMS-Content Management Systems Transforming Websites

Here is a guest article from a client. He is a big advocate of content management systems and his company is great for Denver video production

Most Biotech firms have an existing website often used to share their mission statement, investment goals and unique research opportunities and technologies. Unfortunately websites often become outdated, irrelevant, or out of touch with current technologies. Many times it takes only small text changes to update and keep a website relevant. Often this means requesting changes to be made by your website designer, web development firm or in-house IT department. In many cases, although the request for these kind of changes seem simple, web professionals are usually scheduled on other imminent tasks and small changes cannot be a top priority on their list.

That's where the beauty of a Content Management System comes into play. Almost any website, even those using technologies like interactive Flash components can be integrated into a Content Management System often referred to as a CMS. Having a website with a CMS makes keeping your website up-to-date a snap! By accessing the website with a secure username and password, any designated employee can log into the administrative area of the website. The administrative area of the website allows you to add, remove and edit pages, as well as the ability to add and remove photos. Changes made to the website are instant and live on the Internet after saving. The entire experience is easy and graphical; any user who is familiar with Microsoft Word can update your new website!

Conversion to a CMS takes approximately 60-90 days depending on the complexity of a website. Although conversion to a CMS may incur some expense—most businesses find that they will not need to touch the layout and design of their website for a several years, until a major overhaul is needed or rebranding. In the meantime, you will be in complete control of all your content changes—with no delays or challenges. For more information email: daniel@gomoso.com or call 303 910-0456.


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